Sunday, January 13, 2013

Girl Scout Cookies!!!

Girl Scout cookies go on sale for pre-order today in Southern California.  This is not an impossible time for weight loss.  The following information applies to cookies baked by Little Brownie Bakers.  If you are not sure, ask the Girl Scout leader or call the Girl Scout office in your area.

I have been a Girl Scout leader for 12 years.  Also, being a Weight Watcher makes things challenging at times.  So, I did the math for you Weight Watchers out there.  No matter which cookies you get they are 4 points a serving.  No, a serving is not the entire box!  Savannah Smiles and Trefoils are 5 cookies/serving.  Thin Mints are 4 cookies/serving.  Do-si-dos are 3 cookies/serving.  Finally, and not surprisingly, Samoas and Tagalongs are 2 cookies/serving.

If you do not want to buy cookies, please consider giving to Gift of Caring.  Every $4 gives a box of cookies to one of 4 charities.  Girl Scouts Greater Los Angeles supports Blue Star Mothers, Goodwill of Southern California, Operation Gratitude, the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, and Bob Hope Hollywood USO at LAX.

If you want to order cookies, my girls are earning money to go to Camp Surf this summer.  Contact me via email or on Facebook.  If you don't live in the Antelope Valley, you can Order Cookies Here.

Thanks for supporting Girl Scouts!

By the case you do want to eat an entire box, here are the points for each kind:
   Savannah Smiles - 22.4
   Trefoils - 28.8
   Do-si-dos - 26.7
   Samoas - 30
   Tagalongs - 30
   Thin Mints - 28

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, thanks for breaking it down! I love girl scout cookies, yum!
